I was wandering around my hometown in New Jersey, when I passed by the local high school lawn, and saw that the grass was elevated on a wall. It was close to dawn, and the dew drops looked very appealing, and I got in close with my 50 mm prime lenses, and dialed the aperture down to 1.8, and got a great shot. I submitted this photo to a few microstock sites, and it's available on Shutterstock now, but if you'd like to use it in any of your projects, please reach out to me directly.
I picked up some heirloom cherry tomatoes from the supermarket, and thought they looked very succulent and appealing after rinsing. I placed them on a plate with the sunlight streaming from my dining room window, and shot them with a 50mm prime lenses. Really liked the result, and got this photo into Shutterstock and a few other micro stock sites. If you're interested in using this in any projects, please reach out to me directly.
I'm a happy camper when berries are in season! Rinsed a fresh bowl of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, and noticed that the sun streaming through my dining room window was creating a very good opportunity for a photo. Shot with my 50 mm prime. This photo is available as stock on Shutterstock and other sites. You can reach out to me directly to negotiate, if you want to use it in your projects.
I have a family membership at the Bronx Zoo. The gorillas are one of my favorite exhibits. I am amazed by their mannerisms and disposition. For this photo, I rented a 100-400mm telephoto lens, and captured this portrait at 400mm. This photo is not available for commercial usage.
Flat Rock Brook in Englewood, NJ is a local treasure. I enjoy hiking here, and am amazed that such a nice trail exists within close proximity to the city. I always see wildlife when I visit, and thought this bullfrog was a very patient subject. I quietly walked up to it on a crisp Spring day, and it allowed me to take photos for an hour. This was my favorite one! Shot with my 100 mm prime. This photo is available as stock on Shutterstock and other sites. You can reach out to me directly to negotiate, if you want to use it in your projects.
I have a family membership at the Bronx Zoo. The tigers are majestic. I can't believe the details you can see through the glass. This tiger may look angry but he was just playing with his friend. Regardless, I thought this was a primal moment to capture. For this photo, I rented a 100-400mm telephoto lens, and captured this portrait at 400mm. This photo is not available for commercial usage.
Walking home, I noticed this reflection on a sunny day. Shot with my 50 mm prime. This photo is available as stock on Shutterstock and other sites. You can reach out to me directly to negotiate, if you want to use it in your projects.
I have a family membership at the Bronx Zoo. I love seeing the sea lions. Really enjoyed capturing this moment. For this photo, I rented a 100-400mm telephoto lens, and captured this portrait at 400mm. This photo is not available for commercial usage.
My wife was getting ready for work, and the sunlight was streaming into our bedroom. I took a look at her shoes and saw the opportunity for a nice still-life. Did a little adjustments with the RAW saturation settings and voila! Shot with my 50 mm prime. This photo is available as stock on a few microstock sites. You can reach out to me directly to negotiate a fair deal, if you want to use it in your projects.
I have a family membership at the Bronx Zoo. The gorillas are one of my favorite exhibits. I am amazed by their mannerisms and disposition. I am amazed with the reddish hair at the top of the gorilla's head, that came out more with saturation with adjustments in the photo's RAW settings. For this photo, I rented a 100-400mm telephoto lens, and captured this portrait at 400mm. This photo is not available for commercial usage.